Why Do I Need a Career Coach? Information is Free and Abundant

Why Do I Need a Career Coach? Information is Free and Abundant

You may be wondering “What does a career coach do? And why should I spend my hard-earned money to hire one when there is an endless supply of free career advice online and in libraries?”

Well I’m not here to pressure you to hire one, but I will happily explain what I do as a career coach. YES, there are endless sources for free career information, from how to get a job to how to prepare for an interview to how to negotiate salary. None of us have time to read all of that, plus some of it is bad advice and may conflict with each other. What a good career coach will give you is:

  • Organization - “I know what needs to be done but I don’t know when and how to do it.” A coach will help you create a clear structure and process to follow so you can take things a step at a time.

  • Customization - “I’m too overwhelmed by all the conflicting tips out there and don’t know what would work best for me.” A coach will help you better understand your own preferences and barriers in order to decide which strategies to apply to you and how best to do it.

  • Accountability - “I can’t seem to motivate myself to get going on this.” A coach will help you set up a system to make sure you do what you set out to do so you maintain momentum and get your desired results.

I also offer Experience and Expertise. What feels like a dreaded chore or scary task for most people - making career decisions or reaching career goals - has been my passion for over 12 years, which means I’ve actively sought extended education and skills training to get really good at helping people figure out what they want and how to get it. I’ve worked with over 1000 people of all ages who are going into all sorts of fields, and I know what works. I’m constantly reading and listening to the latest work trends and career best practices, which you probably haven’t unless you’re been job searching.

A career coach is like a personal trainer.

  • They meet with you 1:1 to understand your unique goals and challenges

  • They have a vast knowledge of best practices and can help you apply the best strategies for you

  • They require you to show up and be fully present for your goals

  • They talk you through the challenges and help you pull out your inner strengths

Not everyone needs a career coach to get their desired outcomes. But for those who do need one, it can make all the difference between frustration, confusion, and procrastination…and clarity, productivity, and success.

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